- Following a confirmed appointment time, you will receive a Client Information Sheet via email for completion. All information is private and securely stored.
- I will ask you to explain your current challenge, health history, any remedies you are currently undertaking and your thoughts on triggers.
- We will agree upon the desired outcomes for the session.
- Using gentle-muscle testing, I will evaluate where the body is holding energetic stress and why. I will also discuss with you the respective emotional states.
- Having gained a deeper understanding of the situation, I test up the most appropriate technique to shift the ‘blocks’ to healing.
- You will take home with you; a copy of your goal, relevant affirmations and ‘follow up’ as reinforcement.
Each session booking requires your acknowledgment and agreement to the following conditions.
- I understand kinesiology sessions do not replace allopathic or psychiatric care.
- I easily take responsibility for any action taken or inaction from Recommendations given during and post sessions.
- I commit to pre-payment for my Zoom or mobile phone session prior to the confirmed day.
Each Personal Assistant Mini Session booking requires your acknowledgment and agreement to the following additional conditions.
- I have completed at least one full 1.5hrs kinesiology session via Zoom or in person when preliminary clearing and fundamental imbalances were cleared.
- I can clearly articulate the challenge to be worked on in one sentence.
- I can commit to at least three 0.5hr sessions in one month (weekly is preferred).
- Kinesiology session in person & essence or pilules (1.5hrs)$150
- Client form review and agreed outcome for the session.
- Shift physical & emotional energy blocks.
- Discuss recommended nutritional & lifestyle changes.
- Receive a vibrational essence or homeopathic pilules.
- Kinesiology coaching via Zoom (1.5hrs) *Prepaid$135Kinesiology concepts using self muscle testing to conduct sessions remotely via Zoom call. All sessions must be prepaid prior to the appointment day.
- Client form review and agreed outcome for the session.
- Shift physical & emotional energy blocks.
- Discuss recommended nutritional & lifestyle changes.
- Personal Assistant Mini Sessions via Zoom (0.5hrs) *Prepaid$50Clearing of energy blocks held in the mind and body relating directly to one specific issue *Conditions apply
- Getting present, defining one challenge and an agreed outcome for the session.
- Shift physical & emotional energy blocks relating directly to the specific issue.
- Discuss recommended actions or lifestyle changes.
- Kinesiology for Teens (1hr)$135
- Client form review and agreed outcome for the session.
- Shift physical & emotional energy blocks.
- Discuss recommended nutritional & lifestyle changes.